Wednesday, August 13, 2014

More Green Tips

Be conscientious with your accommodations. Look for hotel accommodations and tours with Green Seal or Green Leaf certifications and standards. Green hotels reduce energy consumption through fluorescent lighting. They also institute recycling programs, and they conserve water through installation of energy star products. If you choose a hotel that does not recycle, consider taking your empty bottles or other items out to recycle. Also, pick a hotel close to public transportation or near the places you are going to visit during your stay. Remember to do your share of “green” by turning off the lights, TV, and air conditioner when leaving your hotel room. Take short showers and leave toiletries behind if you didn’t use them. Hotels too expensive? Stay at a working farm that also functions as inn. They cost less than hotels.
Get around without a car. Reduce your carbon footprint by participating in cheaper, Earth-friendly transportation options like biking, walking and taking public transit. You can even take a low impact walking tour. They are inexpensive and fun! Download from to find the latest top spots to visit and to dine.
If you do choose wheels, go green! When selecting a model, choose a smaller economy vehicle or a hybrid. Turn down free upgrades that seem nice but could cost you more money in gas.

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